Thursday, June 20, 2013

Repost: Report: Moms who ingest caffeine won't cause infant sleep problems

I've contributed to the Orlando Sentinel's Moms at Work blog since 2010. The blog is changing content management systems and my old posts will no longer be available to the public, so I'm reposting them here, in the order that they were originally posted.

April 4, 2012

This news will be greeted with cheers and whoops of joy by some moms: Researchers have determined that pregnant and nursing moms who ingest caffeine aren't doing any damage to their kids' sleep cycles, according to a Medscape report.

The research comes from a Brazilian study of 885 babies born in 2004. The difference in nighttime wakeups between the babies whose moms ingested caffeine -- even in large amounts -- and the babies whose moms had none was small enough that doctors could chalk it up to chance.

Babies whose moms ingest large amounts of caffeine, which the study quantified as the equivalent of more than three or four cups of coffee daily, may actually develop a tolerance to it.

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